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Phil Blackmar

My name is Phil Blackmar and I am the host of Aces and Tails (AT). AT is a blog focusing partly on golf stories, opinions, instruction and all else golf related. The other part of AT will look at Texas coastal fly fishing, saltwater fishing tales, Texas coastal light tackle fishing, saltwater fy casting and all sorts of things related to fishing.


I will even add a few seafood recipes and more.........


My background is pretty diverse and provides a nice platform from which to reflect on the topics. I was a PGA tour player for 16 years and won 3 times. I also played on the PGA TOUR Champions for a few years and won one title. 


After the regular tour, I joined Jim Flick and Mike Malaska as a golf instructor. Shortly thereafter, I was fortunate to begin working as a televised golf commentator for ESPN. The next year I would move on to the USA Network and later to the Golf Channel. 


As for fishing, I have been an avid angler along theTexas coast since the mid 1970's. For the longest time  I was a very serious "plugger" but have since moved into the Texas coastal fly fishing world. I practice fly casting nearly everyday, tie all my own flies and cook what I keep. There are few around who are more passionate about fishing than I.

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